May 26th, 2023

Some assorted flowers going into my hanging planters. These particular types have done really well in the hot Virginia sun in previous years so trying them again.

Decided to do the hotter peppers in grow bags this year so that they don't grow out of control. I like growing different varieties but there's only so much you can do with hundreds of ghost peppers so I'm trying to keep them smaller.

Tomatoes are doing well so far. When they get large enough I'll be attaching them to the arch with some velcro tape so that I can direct them upwards and keep the airflow going. Should've kept them a little bit closer to the outside of the raised bed but they should be fine. The random plant near the middle is actually from a plant last year that dropped some fruit and just germinated on its own so I decided to keep it.

Cucumber plants are doing well but some of the smaller pepper seedlings aren't growing very quickly. I believe this is partially due to some slightly colder weather and also just getting a late start.